BLOC Builders

Our 2023 Sponsors

Thank You for Joining Us on Our Mission to To Foster Organic Community trust and Sustain Activism through Celebration and Tangible Resources for Brunswick Citizens!

We share a commitment to effective corporate responsibility and encourage you to catalyze citizen activation by partnering with us in a sponsorship. 

Party Partner $250

Just 2 sponsorships at this level will help us reach the
Keep It On initiative's goal of
maintaining essential utilities like electricity and water
for 2 Brunswick families this year

Benefits include:

Soiree Supporter $500

Just 1 sponsorship at this level will help us purchase
5 new car seats this year, for
the Go-Baby-Glynn resource initiative

Benefits include:

Gala Giver $750

This sponsorship level helps us keep integrity at the core of our programming by obtaining the necessary permits, reservations, and the security to keep attendees safe  

Benefits include:

Festival Funder: $1K

This sponsorship level helps us to build the biggest yearly festival in the Golden Isles, by, and for Glynn County residents!

Benefits include:

The Brunswick League of Celebration, Inc. is a registered non-profit corporation in the state of Georgia
and pending 501(c)(3) charitable organization status.  Our federal EIN is 92-1593774.